Weekly News

Rector: Revd Paula Challen
01327 350459 rector.tovebenefice@gmail.com
Associate Priest: Revd Greg Roberts
01156 461770 TheRevdGregRoberts@outlook.com
Assistant Curate: The Revd Nigel Clent
Children & Families: Sarah Barnett
07813 404061 tovefamilies@gmail.com
Benefice Safeguarding: Stephanie Watts
07553 157175  
Benefice Office: Sara and Michelle
01327 350459 tovebeneficeoffice@gmail.com

Benefice Office Opening Hours
Monday to Friday -  9:30 am to 1.00 pm

Weekly News
Sunday 20th October 2024
wenty-first Sunday after Trinity

The Collect
Almighty God, in whose service lies perfect freedom: teach us to obey you with loving hearts and steadfast wills; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Post Communion
Father of light, in whom is no change or shadow of turning, you give us every good and perfect gift and have brought us to birth by your word of truth: may we be a living sign of that kingdom where your whole creation will be made perfect in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lectionary Readings for Sunday:

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 53: 4 – 12
New Testament Reading:  Hebrews 5: 1 – 10
Gospel: Mark 10: 35 - 45

Please click here (or on the image) for This Weeks Daily Readings


Benefice Prayers 

We pray for those who are sick at this time and remember those who have recently died and pray for their families:

Continuing Prayers For
Debbie Morris
Ellen Jones
Rachel Batchelor
Christine Williams


Tim Lewis                     
David Ankerson               

Greens Norton
Ann Taylor
Elizabeth Gooch

Easton Neston   

Alisha Castle

Rest In Peace
Anna Gilchrist
Patricia Gater
Arthur Reeve
Andrew Kirby
Garnett Townsend
John Dickson
Malcolm Cox
Daphne Ruffle
Pat Wallis
Rachel Sproat

Benefice Notices

If you are new to this church, welcome, it is lovely that you can join us.
We produce the Weekly News on a weekly basis which you can also have emailed to you along with other information about the benefice.
If you would like to go onto our regular mailing list please call 01327 350459 or email tovebeneficeoffice@gmail.com

Thank you to all those who donated this Harvest to the Foodbank.
71.9kg of food was donated from Towcester, 152kg from Greens Norton Primary School, Rocking Horse Nursery and St Bartholomew’s.
Greens Norton Harvest Supper raised £350 for church funds and Bradden Harvest lunch raised £226.50 for the Renew 169 Wellbeing Café.

St Lawrence Church is collecting:
Clothing, bedding, towels, shoes, bags, and curtains for recycling.
Please drop bags in church or at the Vicarage garage.
Last date for drop offs is Sunday 21st October.
If you would like bags to be collected from you, please call the Benefice Office on 01327 350459.
No duvet, quilts or pillows please.

Men at The Bull 
The next two Men at the Bull meetings will be Wednesdays 23rd October and 27th November.

All Souls Service
3rd November – A time to remember loved ones who have died and to give thanks for their lives.
3:00 pm at St Bartholomew’s Church, Greens Norton,
4:00 pm at St Lawrence Church, Towcester.

RIP Diary 
This is now in church please indicate with a tick if you would like your loved one/relative to be remembered, or add new.

Narnia Prayer Space
11th to 15th November 
if you are able or willing to help with the prayer space work with schools, please contact Sarah Barnett at tovefamilies@gmail.com

Benefice Confirmation Service 
Sunday 7th November 10:15am 
St Lawrence Church with Bishop John.

Clocks Go Back in the Tove BeneficeClocks go back
on Sunday, October 27 at 2:00 am,

Please can we ask and remind people to refrain from dipping (intinction) their wafer into the wine when receiving communion. Those administering the chalice do not wish to cause upset at the communion rail. The reason for non-dipping policy is on the bishop’s advice and twofold: firstly one of hygiene and secondly because we have members who are gluten intolerant. If you feel unable to receive the wine from the chalice then receiving in one kind means you are making a valid communion. Thank you for your understanding.

Easton Neston Church and Churchyard visitors
If you have previously registered your number plate for access to visit St Mary's Easton Neston Church and Churchyard and it is not working the gate, please would you let Bev know on 01327 354385.

Please click here, or on the image, for This Months Services

Tove Benefice - Weekly News

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