Weekly News

Rector: Revd Paula Challen
01327 350459 rector.tovebenefice@gmail.com
Associate Priest: Revd Greg Roberts
01156 461770 TheRevdGregRoberts@outlook.com
Children & Families: Sarah Barnett
07813 404061 tovefamilies@gmail.com
Benefice Safeguarding: Stephanie Watts
07553 157175  
Benefice Office: Sara and Michelle
01327 350459 tovebeneficeoffice@gmail.com

Benefice Office Opening Hours
Monday to Friday -  9:30 am to 1.00 pm

Weekly News
Sunday 28th July 2024
Ninth Sunday after Trinity

The Collect
Gracious Father, revive your Church in our day, and make her holy, strong and faithful, for your glory’s sake in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Post Communion
Holy Father, who gathered us here around the table of your Son to share this meal with the whole household of God: in that new world where you reveal the fullness of your peace, gather people of every race and language to share in the eternal banquet of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lectionary Readings for Sunday:

Old Testament Reading: 2 Kings 4: 42 - 44
New Testament Reading:  Ephesians 3: 14 - 21
Gospel: John 6: 1 – 21

Please click here (or on the image) for This Weeks Daily Readings


Benefice Prayers 

We pray for those who are sick at this time and remember those who have recently died and pray for their families:

Continuing Prayers For
Lynne Linney
Ursula Beary


Tim Lewis                     
David Ankerson               
Christine Williams       
Alan Green
Jerry Lowe

Greens Norton

Easton Neston
Jane Causebrook      

Alisha Castle
Margaret Pickering

Rest In Peace
Maureen Hancock
Clive Cox
Brenda Green


Benefice Notices

If you are new to this church, welcome, it is lovely that you can join us.
We produce the Weekly News on a weekly basis which you can also have emailed to you along with other information about the benefice.
If you would like to go onto our regular mailing list please call 01327 350459 or email tovebeneficeoffice@gmail.com

Tower & History Tour 
The event last Saturday was a great success and proves sometimes that small can be beautiful, and profitable. Final count (including a donation made last year for which places were not used until today) was £390. Richard Allton will kindly seek to double this to £780 via his access to Barclays Matched Fundraising. On events such as this, it goes to show the power / contribution of such schemes! It was a very sociable, informative and enjoyable day for which positive feedback and kind words have been received…and we got lucky once again with the weather. We wish to express a very sincere thank you to everyone who helps support / lead with social and fundraising activities.

Benefice Office - Change to Office Opening Times
Please note, from 29th July, during the school summer holidays the Benefice Office will be closing at 12:30pm on Monday and Tuesdays.

Ride and Stride
14th September 2024 The Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride will be taking place on Saturday 14th September with churches in Northamptonshire taking part along with many more all over the country. Participants plan a route to walk, cycle, horse ride etc, on their own or in a group, visiting churches, many of which are open with people to welcome them and nearly all with basic free refreshments. St Lawrence Towcester is planning to be open between 10am and 6pm on the 14th September and we are looking to set up a rota of people willing to spend an hour or two in the church to welcome visitors. It is unlikely you will be inundated and you may not welcome anyone at all during your hour. Anyone interested in finding out more, please contact Val Hartley 01327 362049 or val.e.hartley@btinternet.com

RIP Diary
If you need to make any changes or add any names the RIP diary it is in St Lawrence.

Please can we ask and remind people to refrain from dipping (intinction) their wafer into the wine when receiving communion. Those administering the chalice do not wish to cause upset at the communion rail. The reason for non-dipping policy is on the bishop’s advice and twofold: firstly one of hygiene and secondly because we have members who are gluten intolerant. If you feel unable to receive the wine from the chalice then receiving in one kind means you are making a valid communion. Thank you for your understanding.

Easton Neston Church and Churchyard visitors
If you have previously registered your number plate for access to visit St Mary's Easton Neston Church and Churchyard and it is not working the gate, please would you let Bev know on 01327 354385.

Please click here, or on the image, for This Months Services

Tove Benefice - Weekly News

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