Update on Sunday Worship

Dear Friends 

Thank you to those who came to the Tower and History Tour on Saturday.  Despite some light rain first thing, the day cleared up, so after the two tours of church, people were able to enjoy lunch in the Vicarage Garden.  Lots of comments back from people saying how much they enjoyed both guided tours and all the interesting information that was shared. The event raised £390 which we are hoping will receive some matched funding. 

It was lovely to see people at Sunday mornings services to welcome Nigel, and Jayne, into the Benefice.  I am sure you will continue to make them feel welcome over the coming weeks and months.  Moving house is one thing.  Moving house to a new community and starting a new role that is very public is both exciting and daunting.   

At Family Communion Service in Towcester, the three members of Our Voices, the Benefice children's choir, received their white badges & certificates for completing their first Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) level. During communion they sang with the adult choir, Lead me Lord by Samuel S. Wesley. A big thank you should be extended to Judith and Lesley for leading this group over the year and we look forward to children joining September. 

This coming week, on Wednesday at 7pm is Revd Angela's Institution, Induction and Installation service.  As I mentioned in the mailing last week this service is going to be live streamed, to watch the service on the day or at another suitable time click on this link
As mentioned in previous emails, this Sunday and going forward on the 4th Sunday of the month the 11:15am service at Greens Norton will be a said Book of Common Prayer (BCP) communion. This replaces the Service of the Word.  A reminder that details of other services this weekend, along with daily readings for the week are in the weekly news which is at the bottom of this mailing. 

Finally, if you are looking for something to do with children or grandchildren over the summer holidays?

  • Little Sprouts have arranged five Thursdays in August for a very informal meet up and chat while the children play at the play park near Waitrose in Towcester.  The dates are 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th August from around 10am to 11.30am depending on how long people would like to stay with older children welcome. It will also be weather permitting as I don’t think anyone wants to be at the park if it is raining.
  • Tove Valley Baptist are running their popular Breakfast Club during the holidays from 8:30am to 10:30am on four Wednesdays 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th August. No need to book just turn up. 
  • Slightly further afield, Peterborough Cathedral's summer exhibition is Monsters of the Sea and runs from 15th July to 1st September. For details of opening times and how to book click here

With every blessing

Revd Paula Challen 

Tove Benefice
Three members of Our Voices Children's Choir received their white badges and certificates on Sunday at the Family Communion Service. 

Tove Benefice

We  are very pleased that the refurbishment works have now been completed in the Jenkinson room and our Coffee Mornings are now back downstairs. They are held every Friday in the Chantry House and run from 10am. Do come along and join us in our lovely new room which is also available to hire. Please contact the office for bookings and further details on 01327 350459
Reve Nigel Clent, Assistant Curate, Tove Benefice ordained deacon 14th July 2024 at Peterborough Cathedral

 Update on Sunday Worship

 Worship for this coming week
28th July 2024
Ninth Sunday after Trinity


Lectionary Readings: (these links will take you to Bible Gateway from the NIV:

2 Kings 4: 42 - 44   Ephesians 3: 14 - 21John 6: 1 - 21
This week's reflection by Revd Lulu Pelly entitled "Do you believe in miracles?"

In Church Worship:
Details for services are in the Services for This Month.
This can be picked up in church.

Zoom Services:

PLease click here and follow the on screen instructions. 
The meetings rooms are opened about 15mins before the service is due to start. All the liturgy for the service will be displayed on the screen. 
  • Sunday 10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship 
  • Monday to Saturday 9.00 am Morning Prayer (except on the first Tuesday of each month) 

Forthcoming Events

Pimms, Prosecco & Pudding Picnic     Doctor Dolittle -

Ride and Stride 14th September 2024
The Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride will be taking place on Saturday 14th September with churches in Northamptonshire taking part along with many more all over the country.  Participants plan a route to walk, cycle, horse ride etc, on their own or in a group, visiting churches, many of which are open with people to welcome them and nearly all with basic free refreshments.
St Lawrence Towcester is planning to be open between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm on the 14th September and we are looking to set up a rota of people willing to spend an hour or two in the church to welcome any visitors. It is very unlikely you be inundated and you may not be able to welcome anyone at all during your hour.  Welcomers can be sponsored but it is not essential.  We are also hoping to have participants raising sponsorship by cycling or walking (50% of the basic amount excluding Gift Aid is returned to the church of your choice) Anyone interested in finding out more, please contact Val Hartley 01327 362049 or val.e.hartley@btinternet.com
Other churches in the benefice are also taking part:-
St Michael, Bradden will be open, unmanned from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
St Mary, Easton Neston will be open and manned from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm then a register will be available outside.  For more information, please contact Beverley James, beverleyvjames@hotmail.com
St Bartholomew, Greens Norton will be open and manned from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.  For more information, please contact Roberta Wooldridge Smith secretarygn.tovebenefice@gmail.com
There is information about NHCT and Ride and Stride on the NHCT website www.nhct.org.uk

Towcester Foodbank
Towcester Foodbank are looking for one trustee to join their board and specifically need someone with strong planning and organising skills. They also welcome skills in other areas such as fundraising and marketing. If you or anyone you know would be interested in this role please contact info@towcester.foodbank.org.uk You can also click on the link to read more about the role. More information about the work the foodbank do can be found here www.towcester.foodbank.org.uk

Benefice Office Opening Times
9.30 am to 1:00 pm Monday to Friday
01327 350459

Don't forget that the Weekly News contains details of this weekend and next weekend's services, daily bible readings, prayer requests and notices for forthcoming events in the Benefice and for Churches Together in Towcester, together with other relevant or interesting notices. 

For details of how to make a donation to your local parish church, please click here.

Update on Sunday Worship

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