Update on Sunday Worship

Services in the Benefice at the weekend:

Sunday 16th February
9:15 am Holy Communion at St Lawrence, Towcester 
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via zoom
11:15 am Family Worship with Year 3 at St Bartholomew's, Greens Norton

Our weekly news contains details of services for this and next weekend, as well as daily bible readings, prayer requests and notices for forthcoming events.  Copies are available in churches for collecting especially for those who do not have emails.

Dear Friends

This past week General Synod has met in London to discuss a number of major and significant matters which have included important reviews of safeguarding. All the sessions are available via the Church of England YouTube Channel.  I said in last week's mailing I continue to invite you to join me in praying for brokenness within our world, our church and our community. We especially pray for: those who feel unheard; those who are hurting; those who are angry; those who feel rejected; and those who feel unable to find safe place to be welcomed. May we all humbly seek a better way to live. 

It is almost 3 years since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Memories of the week early into the conflict where we stopped the traffic on the A5 in order to reserve a HGV out of Chantry Lane and the many people from across our area who helped pack and sort items of aid bound for Ukraine.  Much has happened in the intervening years as we continue to support humanitarian aid efforts. Please do continue to hold Ukraine and our local Ukrainian friends in your prayers particularly with that which has been in the news this week. This coming Saturday in St Lawrence Church Towcester Studio Band and Songbirds are putting on a concert titled 'All you need is Love' with 50% of ticket sales plus money from refreshments, raffle and gift items going towards supporting the next ambulance. Please do support this concert which promising to be a fabulous evening. 

Don't forget the prayer course which started last Tuesday and runs for the next eight weeks. Discipleship, learning together and what it means to be a follower of Jesus, should be a priority for us all.  In addition to the two groups (10am-11:30am and 7:30pm-9pm) there is an online version of the course that runs from 12th March until 19th April and details of the first session are here and how to sign up is here. As I said last week, if you do sign up for the online course can you please let one of members of clergy know as we are seeking ways to develop our options of in person and online groups and therefore would be keen to know the appetite for an online offering. 

Well done to all those involved in last weekends successful peals rung in memory to Jim Linnell.  I received a number of comments on how nice it was to hear the bells being rung. 

Finally, I shared last week a price of music from my week at St George's.  This week I would like to share God, beyond all Names with you which is written by Bernadette Farrell.  You will recognise her for hymns that we sing in church which includes Christ be our Light and O God, you search me and you know me.

With my prayers 

Revd Paula Challen 


Worship for this coming week

16th February 2023

Third Sunday before Lent

Lectionary Readings : (these links will take you to Bible Gateway from the NRSV):
Jeremiah 17: 5 - 10   1 Corinthians 15: 12 - 20   Luke 6: 17 - 26

This week's Reflection by Revd Nigel Clent entitled "Transformation of the ordinary and the downtrodden"

In Church Worship:
details for this weekend and next weekend services are in the weekly news - which is at the top of this mailing or can be picked up in church.

Zoom Services:

PLease click here and follow the on screen instructions. 
The meetings rooms are opened about 15mins before the service is due to start. All the liturgy for the service will be displayed on the screen. 
  • Sunday 10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship 
  • Monday to Saturday 9.00 am Morning Prayer (except on the first Tuesday of each month) 

Benefice Office Opening Times
9.30 am to 1:00 pm Monday to Friday
01327 350459

For details of how to make a donation to your local parish church, please click here.

Update on Sunday Worship

Forthcoming Events

Best News

     All you need is love

Quiz Night     Greens Norton Parish Council Elections

Update on Sunday Worship

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