Services in the Benefice at the weekend:
Sunday 19th January 2025
9:15am Family Communion with dedication of Bell ringer plaques at St Lawrence, Towcester
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via zoom
11:15 am Family Worship with Year 5 at St Bartholomew's, Greens Norton
2:30 pm Baptism at 9:15am St Lawrence, Towcester
Our weekly news contains details of services for this and next weekend, as well as daily bible readings, prayer requests and notices for forthcoming events. Copies are available in churches for collecting especially for those who do not have emails.
Dear friends
Thank you to Greg for writing the mailing for the past few weeks. I am particularly grateful for last weeks as we were reminded to consider our own baptism in light of our gospel passage. In last week's reflection Greg wrote: "As we move forward the question is going to be – do the communities wish for the churches to be present and open as they are now. Closure of a building is a last resort. It would be a decision taken by the Church Council in any place and not by any central body. I really hope it won’t come to that." None of us want our churches to close, but on Monday this week we had the reminder that even our own cathedral is struggling financially and has launched a 'cathedral in crisis' campaign which was shown on Look East and via social media and news channels.
In his email to clergy Dean Chris Dallinson said "We are very conscious of our role as ‘Mother Church’ as a centre for the Bishop’s ministry to the Diocese, as a place of gathering and as a house of prayer. We are YOUR Cathedral and will rightly wish to know what is happening." He goes on to say, "We welcome over 7,000 school children every year to participate in a rich variety of curriculum-based programmes put on by our outstanding Education team. Our wonderful choir has offered glorious music to enrich our worship; ... It also offers an amazing musical and spiritual education for the 50 plus boys and girl choristers and members of our Youth and Junior Choirs. Every day prayer is offered on behalf of the Church and the world and we have an engaged and diverse worshipping community. We have also worked with partners across the city, offering care for the vulnerable, supporting refugees and in campaigns for social justice. We are a place of pilgrimage, a sanctuary and, for those who pass by, whether on a cold January afternoon or a sweltering summer day, somewhere for people to find beauty, shelter, a space to reflect.... Despite all we’ve achieved, despite the extraordinary commitment of our staff team and our many brilliant volunteers, ... and even though we’ve been so disciplined in our spending, ... the hard truth is: we’re not able to make ends meet." Sound familiar? Both that which is done across our benefice and the financial challenges we are facing. To read more about the cathedral please click here, which also give details of how to give.
If you are reading this and thinking what can I do - for the cathedral and for the benefice - I would encourage you to consider making a one off donation or a regular contribution. I know many are already part of our regular giving schemes, but not everyone is. No one likes to talk about money or how much we biblically should tithe (giving) from our income and yet this Sunday our gospel reading is the wedding at Cana. Not only the start to Jesus ministry and his first miracle, but an example of abundant and overflowing generosity. The steward at the wedding says these words "you have kept the good wine until now." Please can I ask you to consider your giving to your parish church - you can make a one off donation here or speak to one of the member of clergy about joining the regular giving scheme so we can put you in touch with the giving officer.
This Sunday at St Lawrence we will be dedicating two plaques to supporters of our churches who through their giving of time and talents had a significant impact in the life of the church. The plaques will be dedicated to The Very Revd James Atwell, former Vicar of Towcester and Dean of Ely and Winchester Cathedrals, and Nigel Brewer. Both of these gentleman were important to the bell restoration scheme which was over 30 years ago. James as vicar of the parish and Nigel with his skills of steel fabrication for the steel frame that holds the bells and the creation of the dumb bell (learners bell) which is affectionately referred to as Great Nigel.
I hope you will be aware that Bishop Debbie has called the diocese to prayer in 2025 and there will be a number of opportunities throughout the year to join in. Here are the first three opportunities over the coming months.
Firstly, next Tuesday (21st) when, as part of Week of Prayers for Christian Unity, Churches Together in Towcester have arranged a service at St Thomas More 7pm (see the poster below). This year it is being lead by the Methodist Church and has been prepared by the ecumenical community at Bose in Northern Italy. As we celebrate 1,700 years since the Council of Nicaea, the worship service has at its heart, the Nicene Creed. Reflecting this, the scripture readings for this year focus on belief. We are invited to reflect on the story of Martha’s confession of faith in Jesus as narrated in John 11:17-27. Each is called to sit with Jesus’ provocative question to Martha: “Do you believe this?”
Secondly, on Saturday 8th March at Caroline Chisholm School from 10am to 3pm there will be Lord, Teach us to Pray - Prayer Study Day. In a change to our normal Bible Day, we will this year be focusing on prayer. The day will have two main talks, as well as a panel discussion focusing on both individual prayer and praying for others. How to book your place will be shared very soon.
Thirdly, we are going to be offering a Prayer Course which we really want to encourage every member to consider joining. Whether you feel you are an expert or a novice this course is for you and for us to share alongside one another. After all being a disciple of Jesus means we journey together. We learn together. We share in fellowship together. Its not school where you are separated into top, middle, bottom set. Or where the younger children don't mix with the older children. Discipleship should be everyone, interspersed and together. We are intending to offer two in person opportunities (daytime and evening) as well as the diocese offering an online version for those who struggle because of health or young children. We are also considering, in conversation with the diocese, how we can offer something for children and young people as well.
More details on Prayer Study Day and Prayer Course will be shared over the coming weeks and I ask everyone to prayerfully consider how you can join in.
Finally, I am sorry to let you know about two recent deaths. The first is Carol Manderson who lived at Duncote, and was a regular worshipper at St Bartholomew's. In recent years she has struggled with her mobility so has received communion at home on a regular basis. There will be a Service of Thanksgiving followed by burial of ashes at St Bartholomew's Greens Norton on Wednesday 5th February at 11:30am. The second is Mavis Bush (née Shellard) who was also part of St Bartholomew's, before she and her husband Mike moved away. For a number of years Mavis has lived in Weedon and her funeral is on Thursday 23rd January 12:30pm at the United Reform Chapel in Weedon.
With my prayers
Revd Paula Challen
Christianity Explored.
This course is being offered by Churches Together in Towcester. Running on Thursday evenings from January 30th to March 20th at the Tove Valley Centre. You may have had a card about it through your door if you live in Towcester. There are members of the church who have taken part in the course when it was run by Jane Jakes last year in our benefice so have knowledge of what it involves.
Christianity Explored is a relaxed and informal way of learning about the faith and having space and time to think about the big questions of life. You don't need to know anything about the Bible. But you will be able to ask any questions that you like, or you can sit and listen.
Over the sessions, the group will read Mark's Gospel to find out more about the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ. The structure of each session is simple: a short Bible study, a talk given via film and a discussion based on the talk. There will be a 2 course meal provided.
The postcards available in church have a QR code for signing up or the benefice office may be contacted.
Worship for this coming week
19th January 2023
Second Sunday of Epiphany
Lectionary Readings : (these links will take you to Bible Gateway from the NRSV):
Isaiah 62: 1 – 5 1 Corinthians 12: 1 – 11 John 2: 1 - 11
This week's Reflection by the Revd Paula Challen entitled "Abundance...Revelation...and Presence..."
Here is the link to the picture in the Reflection "Wedding at Cana Paolo Veronese 1563, copyright wikiart"
In Church Worship:
details for this weekend and next weekend services are in the weekly news - which is at the top of this mailing or can be picked up in church.
Zoom Services:
The meetings rooms are opened about 15mins before the service is due to start. All the liturgy for the service will be displayed on the screen.
- Sunday 10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship
- Monday to Saturday 9.00 am Morning Prayer (except on the first Tuesday of each month)
Benefice Office Opening Times
9.30 am to 1:00 pm Monday to Friday
01327 350459
For details of how to make a donation to your local parish church, please click here.