Services in the Benefice at the weekend:
Sunday 15th September
9:15 am Family Communion at St Lawrence's, Towcester
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom
11:15 am Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton
6:00 pm Choral Evensong at St Mary’s Easton Neston
Dear Friends
Last Sunday, I was struck by the reading we had from the book of James if you want to remind yourself of the whole reading it was James 2: 1 - 10 (11 - 13) 14 - 17 In the reading the author, James, challenges how we treat guests at a banquet and in verse 4 says "have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?" Then on Wednesday Nigel & I went to Peterborough Diocesan Office for curate and Training Incumbent training which was focused on Enneagram which, like Myers-Briggs or Gilmore Fraleighs personality typing system.
The purpose of undertaking a day like this together is that it is meant to help us understand ourselves and how we respond and react to other different personality types. Now, I have done enough 'personality typing days' over the last 10 years to know that trying to put people into a particular box is not helpful because there are a number of additional factors that influence 'your results'. But it is helpful to reflect, alongside the passage from James, on how what we say and what we do is received by others; and how we respond to what others say and do to us. Whether we like it or not we are all very sensitive people who can be upset by the way someone looks at us, or by the lack of contact from someone. Often making judgements about the others without perhaps seeing the wider picture, knowing all the facts or all that the other person is carrying. We only ever see a fraction of the whole, so can I please encourage you this coming week firstly not to make distinctions about others, and not judge other people by your own expectations. When speaking to one another face to face and via email let us pause and ask ourselves are we seeking to build one another up or are we too ready to criticise or find fault in what they do? This week let it be the former rather than the latter.
This weekend is Heritage Weekend, which we have been advertising for weeks now. Across the Benefice churches will be open for Ride & Stride and there may well be other visitors interested in looking around our wonderful buildings. On Sunday we will have Choral Evensong in the beautiful setting of St Mary's Easton Neston 6pm do consider coming along and joining us for that.
A reminder that work on the St Lawrence Churchyard boundary walls is due to start and will last for about 12 weeks. There will be various areas where security fencing will be put up in the churchyard and we ask visitors to the churchyard please adhere to any restrictions of access and closed path signs.
As you are aware we are a collection point for Baby Basics Northampton and they are looking for someone to volunteer their leadership skills in support of this wonderful charity. They are looking for a Chair of Trustees to lead the existing Board, to ensure this much-loved charity thrives as it increases both its reach and impact. Information about the role can be found here and contains all the information about how to apply, or how to find out more via an informal chat.
Finally a reminder that Ian Small's funeral and celebration of life will be on Tuesday 24th September 11:00 am, at St Bartholomew's Church Greens Norton followed by refreshments at the Greens Norton Community Centre.
With my prayers
Revd Paula Challen
Worship for this coming week
15th September 2024
Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
Lectionary Readings: (these links will take you to Bible Gateway from the NIV:
Isaiah 50: 4 - 9a James 3: 1 - 12 Mark 8: 27 - 38
This week's reflection by Revd Nigel Clent entitled "Do you know who I am ?"
In Church Worship:
Details for services are in the Services for This Month.
This can be picked up in church.
Zoom Services:
The meetings rooms are opened about 15mins before the service is due to start. All the liturgy for the service will be displayed on the screen.
- Sunday 10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship
- Monday to Saturday 9.00 am Morning Prayer (except on the first Tuesday of each month)
Ride and Stride 14th September 2024
The Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust “Ride and Stride” will be taking place on Saturday 14th September with churches in Northamptonshire taking part along with many more all over the country. Participants plan a route to walk, cycle, horse ride etc, on their own or in a group, visiting churches, many of which are open with people to welcome them and nearly all with basic free refreshments. This all coincides with the National Heritage open-days, and the weekend Heritage bus routes which includes Towcester. Our churches will be open this Sunday to coincide with this as follows:
- St Lawrence Towcester 10:00 am and 6:00 pm on the 14th September where members will be on hand until 4:00 pm to offer historical insights around St Lawrence, and the adjoining Chantry House, which has recently undergone extensive restoration. Refreshments will also be available throughout the day. The neighbouring Towcester Mill Brewery will also be offering guided tours on the Saturday.
- St Michael, Bradden will be open, unmanned from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
- St Mary, Easton Neston will be open and manned from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
- St Bartholomew, Greens Norton will be open and manned from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
There is information about NHCT and Ride and Stride on the NHCT website
Towcester Foodbank
Towcester Foodbank are looking for one trustee to join their board and specifically need someone with strong planning and organising skills. They also welcome skills in other areas such as fundraising and marketing. If you or anyone you know would be interested in this role please contact info@towcester.
Benefice Office Opening Times
9.30 am to 1:00 pm Monday to Friday
01327 350459
Don't forget to look at weekly newswhich contains details of services for this and next weekend, as well as daily bible readings, prayer requests and notices for forthcoming events. Copies are available in churches for collecting especially for those who do not have emails.
For details of how to make a donation to your local parish church, please click here.