Update on Sunday Worship

Sunday 23rd March

The Third Sunday of Lent

Benefice Services for Sunday 
9:15 am Holy Communion at St Lawrence, Towcester 
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via zoom
11:15 am Holy Communion (BCP) at St Bartholomew's, Greens Norton
11:15 am Holy Communion at St Augustine's, Caldecote 

Our weekly news contains details of services for this and next weekend, as well as daily bible readings, prayer requests and notices for forthcoming events. 
Copies are available in churches for collecting especially for those who do not have emails.


Dear all,

We journey through Lent. Sunday will be the third Sunday of Lent, and then a week later we reach the midpoint, Refreshment Sunday, when traditionally the fast relaxed, the vestments may turn to rose in colour and mothers are visited.

One of the traditions of Lent is the lent lunch which is a way of encouraging simplicity and almsgiving. The lunch is modest, often soup, bread and maybe some cheese and fruit, as Lent is a time of fasting, of giving something up, and a time of seeking to draw nearer to God.  This year Lent overlaps with Ramadan, so Muslims are also fasting, and it is a time of prayer and almsgiving. When I was a vicar in Peterborough it was clear that this was all taken very seriously in the surrounding mosques and when it came to Eid al-Fitr (the breaking of the fast) Central Park, which my church was adjacent to, was filled with thousands celebrating.

In the Tove Benefice our Lent lunches are on Wednesdays and follow a 12-noon service of Holy Communion in St Bartholomew’s, Green Norton. They seem to have fallen off the radar this year, so I do encourage attendance.

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on 13th April. It is traditional to read the account of the Passion of Jesus on this Sunday. It is really good to have a range of voices. At St Lawrence’s I have offers from 4 people to help with the reading though more can be accommodated. If you would like to take part, then please do let me know. Parts can be of any size, from even just one line!

Ursula Beary's cremation will take place on Thursday 17th April at 2:15pm at the Three Counties Crematorium. There will be a Thanksgiving Service for her at St Bartholomew's Church on Wednesday 21st May at 12:00noon.  

And finally, as a way of advance notice, there are a variety of services in Holy Week as usual. It is a full week and significant to be able to journey through the week, with Jesus, from his entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, foot washing, his death and then we celebrate his resurrection. On Holy Tuesday, the services, as they have been for a couple of years, are Healing Services. 12 noon at Greens Norton and 7.30 pm at St Lawrence’s. In a quiet and reflective service, we think about Jesus as a healer and pray for the many ways that healing is needed today, in our world and in our own lives.  

With every Blessing,

Associate Priest

Discipleship Courses - why not try them? 

I have been attending the Prayer Course, and I’m so pleased we were encouraged to do so by the clergy.  We watch a twenty-minute video on the subject to be discussed, with Pete Greig. Pete talks simply and meaningfully. I have found the easy atmosphere helps us relax, we are listened to and not criticised.

The Unanswered Prayer session was amazing and conversations within 2 groups was so powerful – I found this most helpful for my journey.  
There are three more sessions to come. Tuesday 10am and 7.30pm – I too encourage anyone to join the sessions, like myself I’m sure you too will find it helpful.

Mary Blanchard

Towcester Town Council

The town council is in desperate need of people being on it who are interested in the community, the only way we can make this happen is if they stand for election on 1 May.  I don't know whether you could consider standing or persuading some of those with real desire to do something positive for Towcester to stand.  There is an event on Monday at the Sawpits but if you are interested in standing I would be delighted to nominate you and to take your form in for you.  None of us can make change on our own but together we have a chance. Please click here for more details.

Kind regards


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Forthcoming Events

Tove Quizz Night

The Prayer Course

Holly Communion and Soup Lunch     Mothering Sunday

VE Dat at Bradden

Men at the Bull in Towcester     Recycling Fundraiser in Towcester

Preparation of a New Electoral Roll

You may have received this information more than once, but we hope you will understand the importance of making sure everyone has an opportunity to be a full and active part of our parishes. You only need to complete the form once.
If you have had not received any emails from us, with regard to the Electoral Roll, then it is likely you are not already on the Electoral Roll and therefore we ask you to consider completing a form and joining.  This is not the same as the Voting Roll for local government this specifically relates to churches.
Under the direction of the Church of England the Electoral Roll has to be completely renewed every six years rather than revising the existing roll.  2025 is a year in which a new Roll is to be prepared.
The new roll, is now open for each of our churches and details of when they close are listed below please complete your form in good time.
If you are currently on the Electoral Roll, you MUST complete and return a new form by the deadline to be included on the new one.
We are trialling a new way of compiling the Electoral Roll this year using online forms. Forms will be available in both electronically and as paper copy.  Online form will be collated automatically we ask that any paper forms are returned to Churchwardens, Electoral Officer within the parish or the Benefice Office so that they can be added to the system and distributed to the Electoral Roll Office for each church in time for the APCM. The online form can be found by clicking on the link below.  If you would prefer a paper copy these can be collected from church.

  • St Lawrence Towcester, please return these forms to the Benefice Office either electronically or as hard copy by MONDAY 21st APRIL 2025 click here
  • St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton please return these forms to the Benefice Office either electronically or as hard copy by MONDAY APRIL 14th 2025 click here
  • St Mary’s, Easton Neston please return these forms to the Benefice Office either electronically or as hard copy by MONDAY APRIL 14th 2025 click here
  • St Michael’s, Bradden please return these forms to the Benefice Office either electronically or as hard copy by MONDAY 21st APRIL 2025 click here

This new Roll will stand until 2031 and whilst there will be periods of time during these six years when the Roll is closed (approaching the Annual Meeting’s), applications to join can be made anytime outside of these closures.
Thank you

The Electoral Roll Officers of the Benefice

Worship for this coming week 

Lectionary Readings : (these links will take you to Bible Gateway from the NRSV):
Isaiah 55: 1 – 9 1 Corinthians 10: 1 – 13    Luke 13: 1 – 9

This week's Reflection by the Revd Greg Roberts entitled "A man planted a fig tree"

In Church Worship: details for this weekend and next weekend services are in the weekly news - which can be picked up in church.

Zoom Services: 
The meeting rooms are opened approx. 15mins before the service is due to start.  All the liturgy for the service will be displayed on the screen. 

  • Sunday 10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship 
  • Monday to Saturday 9:00 am Morning Prayer (except on the first Tuesday of each month) 


Benefice Office Hours

Monday to Friday 
9:30 am to 1:00 pm

01327 350459     


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