Services for This Month

Daily Prayer:
9.00 am via zoom Monday to Saturday

Weekly Sunday Service via Zoom
10.15 am. Please contact the Office for more details

Mid- Week Holy Communion:
First Tuesday of the month: 9:00 am at St Lawrence, Towcester
Wednesdays 10:15 am at St Lawrence, Towcester

Prayer Group:
Wednesdays 3:30 pm at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton.

Coffee Mornings:
Fridays 10.00 am to 12.00 noon at the Chantry House
Saturdays 10.00 am to 12.00 noon at St Bartholomew’s

Parent & Child Groups (Term Time Only):
St Bartholomew’s:    Tots Own Tea & Toast (0-5) 9:00 am to 10:30 am Wednesdays
St Lawrence:              Little Sprouts 9:30 am to 10:30 am Thursdays

Every week
Wednesday 10:15 am Holy Communion St Lawrence Church, Towcester
Sunday 10:15 am Morning Prayer zoom service

Services for the month

Saturday 1st March
6:00 pm  Holy Communion  St Marys  Easton Neston

Sunday 2nd Mach

Sunday Before Lent
9:15 am Family Worship with Year 2 at St Lawrence, Towcester
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom
11:15 am Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton

Monday 3rd March
1:00 pm  Sponne
2:00 pm  Easton Neston PCC in the Chantry

Tuesday 4th March
DAC visit to St Lawrence
3:00 pm  Duncote Hall
7:30 pm  Greens Norton PCC at St Bartholomew's

Wednesday 5th March
9:00 am  Tots Own  Greens Norton
1:00 pm  Year 7 and 8 Club at Sponne
1:30 pm Year 5 and 6 Towcester Primary 
3:30 pm  Greens Norton Prayer Group
7:30 pm  Ash Wednesday Service  Greens Norton

Thursday 6th March
9:30 am  Little Sprouts  Towcester
7:00 pm to 7:30 pm  Bradden PCC Meeting at Rookery Farm
7:00 pm  Christianity Explored 
7:30 pm  Towcester PCC Meeting in the Chantry

Friday 7th March
10:30 am  WDP at St Thomas More
2:00 pm  Funeral at St Lawrence

Saturday 8th March

Bishop's Bible Day 

Sunday 9th March
First of Lent
9:15 am Holy Communion at St Lawrence, Towcester
9:15 am Holy Communion at St Michael’s, Bradden
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom
11:15 am Family Worship with Year 2 at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton

Monday 10th March
1:00 pm  Sponne
6:15 pm  Sponne Governors
8:00 pm  Baptism Preparation

Tuesday 11th March
3:00 pm  Brook House
7:00 pm  CTT at St Thomas More

Wednesday 12th March
9:00 am  Tots Own  Greens Norton
12:00 noon  Holly Communion  Greens Norton
1:00 pm  Year 7 and 8 Club at Sponne
3:30 pm  Greens Norton Prayer Group

Thursday 13th March
9:30 am  Little Sprouts  Towcester

7:00 pm  Christianity Explored 

Sunday 16th March
Second of Lent
9:15 am Family Communion at St Lawrence, Towcester
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom
11:15 am Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton
2:30 pm Baptism at St Lawrence, Towcester

Monday 17th March
1:00 pm  Sponne

Tuesday 18th March
10:30am  Greens Norton School
5:00 pm  Greens Norton Governors  Zoom

Wednesday 19th March
9:00 am  Tots Own  Greens Norton
12:00 noon  Holly Communion  Greens Norton
1:00 pm  Year 7 and 8 Club at Sponne
3:30 pm  Greens Norton Prayer Group
7:30pm  Sponne and Bickerstaffe

Thursday 20th March
9:30 am  Little Sprouts  Towcester

7:00 pm  Christianity Explored 

Friday 21st March
11:00 am Funeral at St Lawrence, Towcester

Saturday 22nd March
Diocesan Synod  Kettering

Sunday 23rd March

Third of Lent
9:15 am Holy Communion at St Lawrence, Towcester
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom
11:15 am Holy Communion (BCP) at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton
11:15 am Holy Communion at St Augustine’s, Caldecote

Monday 24th March
1:00 pm  Sponne

Tuesday 25th March

3:00 pm  Funeral   St Lawrence, Towcester
3:00 pm  The Lakes

Wednesday 26th March
9:00 am  Tots Own  Greens Norton
12:00 noon  Holly Communion  Greens Norton
1:00 pm  Year 7 and 8 Club at Sponne
3:30 pm  Greens Norton Prayer Group

Thursday 27th March
9:30 am  Little Sprouts  Towcester

7:30 pm  Church warden Meeting

Sunday 30th March
Mothering Sunday
Clocks Go Forward
10:15 am  Mothering Sunday Benefice Service with Bishop Debbie at St Lawrence, Towcester

Monday 31st March
1:00 pm  Sponne

Tove Benefice Services

Tuesday 1st April
9:00 St Lawrence

3:00 pm Duncote

Wednesday 2nd April
9:00 am  Tots Own 
 Greens Norton
9:30 am  Towcester Primary
12:00 noon  Holly Communion  Greens Norton

1:00 pm  Year 7 and 8 Club at Sponne
3:30 pm  Greens Norton Prayer Group

5:30 pm  Ministry Team Meeting

Thursday 3rd April

9:30 am  Little Sprouts  Towcester
9:30 am  Greens Norton Primary

2:30 pm  Assembly MWPS

5th April
6:00 pm  Holly Communion  St Mary's  Easton Neston

Sunday 6th April
Fifth of Lent
9:15 am  Family Worship  St Lawrence Towcester
10:15 am  Zoom
11:15 am  Holly Communion  St Bartholomew's  Greens Norton

Monday 7th April
8:00 pm  Baptism Preparation

Tuesday 8th April
3:00 pm  Brooke House
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm  Combined Charities

Wednesday 9th April
12:00 noon  Holly Communion  Greens Norton
3:30 pm  Greens Norton Prayer Group

Saturday 12th April
1:00 pm  Wedding

Sunday 13th April

Palm Sunday

9:15 am  Holy Communion at St Lawrence, Towcester
9:1 5am  Holy Communion at St Michael’s, Bradden
10:15 am  Zoom
11:00 am  Choral Society
111:15 am  Family Worship at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton

Tuesday 15th April
12:00 noon  Healing Service  Greens Norton
7:30 pm Healing Service  Towcester

Wednesday 16th April
12:00 noon  Holly Communion  Greens Norton
3:30 pm  Greens Norton Prayer Group
7:30 pm  Sponne and Bickerstaffe

Thursday 17th April

Maundy Thursday
7:30 pm  Last Supper with Foot Washing and watch till Midnight at St Lawrence, Towcester

Friday 18th April

Good Friday
10:00 am  Good Friday Walk of Witness meet in St Lawrence/outside the Town Hall
12:00  noon  An hour at the Cross at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm  Children and Families Treasure Box at St Lawrence, Towcester
6:30 pm  Stations of the Cross at St Thomas More (Catholic Church) 

Saturday 19th April
10:00 am to 1:00 nonn  Children and Families Treasure Box at St Michael’s, Bradden
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm  Children and Families Treasure Box at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton
6:00 pm  Easter Communion  St Mary's  Easton Neston

Sunday 20th April

Easter Day

9:15 am  Easter Communion at St Lawrence, Towcester
9:15 am  Easter Communion at St Michael’s, Bradden
10:15 am  Zoom
11:15 am  Easter Communion  St Bartholomew's  Greens Norton
11:15 am  Easter Communion  St Augustine Caldecote
3:00 pm  Family Easter Event at St Mary’s, Easton Neston

Monday 21st April

Bank Holliday

Tuesday 22nd April
3:00 pm  The Lakes

Wednesday 23rd April
9:00  Tots Own  Greens Norton
1:00 pm  Year 7 and 8 Club at Sponne
3:30 pm  Greens Norton Prayer Group
7:00 pm  Founders Day Service  Towcester

Thursday 24th April
9:30 am  Little Sprouts  Towcester

Saturday 25th April
10:00 am to 2:30 pm  Bell Peel  Towcester

Sunday 27th April

Second After Easter

9:15 am  Family Worship  St Lawrence Towcester
10:15 am  Zoom
11:15 am  St Bartholomew's  Greens Norton
12:30 pm  Welcome Lunch  Towcester

Monday 28th April
1:00 pm  Sponne

Tuesday 29th April
10:30  Greens Norton School

Wednesday 30th April
9:00  Tots Own  Greens Norton
1:00 pm  Year 7 and 8 Club at Sponne
3:30 pm  Greens Norton Prayer Group

If you wish to speak with Revd Paula the number is 01327 350459.
Please do share this post widely and let people not on Social Media know.

Tove Benefice Services

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