Services for This Month

Daily Prayer:
9.00 am via zoom Monday to Saturday

Weekly Sunday Service via Zoom
10.15 am. Please contact the Office for more details

Mid- Week Holy Communion:
First Tuesday of the month: 9:00 am at St Lawrence, Towcester
Wednesdays 10:15 am at St Lawrence, Towcester

Prayer Group:
Wednesdays 3:30 pm at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton.

Coffee Mornings:
Fridays 10.00 am to 12.00 noon at the Chantry House
Saturdays 10.00 am to 12.00 noon at St Bartholomew’s

Parent & Child Groups (Term Time Only):
St Bartholomew’s:    Tots Own Tea & Toast (0-5) 9:00 am to 10:30 am Wednesdays
St Lawrence:              Little Sprouts 9:30 am to 10:30 am Thursdays

Every week
Wednesday 10:15 am Holy Communion St Lawrence Church, Towcester
Sunday 10:15 am Morning Prayer zoom service

Services for the month

Sunday 1st December 
The First Sunday of Advent
9:15 am Family Worship at St Lawrence, Towcester
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom
11:15 am Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton
2:30 pm Baptism at St Lawrence, Towcester
6:00 pm Advent Carols at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton

Monday 2nd December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Bible Study at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton

Tuesday 3rd December
8:30 am Holy Communion at Lawrence Towcester
9:30 am Nicholas Hawksmoor Christmas Service at St Lawrence Towcester
10:00 am to 11:30 am Bible Study at Chantry House Towceste
3:00 pm Service at Duncote
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm Bible Study at Towcester Chantry House

Wednesday 4th December
9:00 am  Morning Prayer Zoom
9:00 am Tot’s Own at Greens Norton St Bartholomew’s
10:15 am Holy Communion at Towcester St Lawrence
3:30 pm Greens Norton Prayer Group St Bartholomew’s
5:30 pm Ministry Team Meeting at the Chantry House

Thursday 5th December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
9:30 am  Little Sprouts at Towcester Chantry House
12:00 noon Funeral St Lawrence Towcester
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Bell Ringing Practice at Greens Norton St Bartholomew’s

Friday 6th December
10:00 am Coffee Morning Chantry House
5:30 pm Our Voice’s Children’s Choir Chantry House
6:15 pm Choir Practice at Towcester St Lawrence
8:00 pm Bell Ringing Practice St Lawrence

Saturday 7th December
9:00am Morning Prayer Zoom
10:00 am Christingle making at Towcester Chantry House
10:00 am Christingle making at Greens Norton St Bartholomew’s
10:30 am Coffee Morning at Greens Norton St Bartholomew’s
6:00 pm Christingle St Mary’s Easton Neston
7:30 pm Towcester Choral Society at St Lawrence Towcester

Sunday 8th December

The Second Sunday of Advent
9:15 am Holy Communion at St Lawrence Towcester
9:15 am Holy Communion at St Michael’s Bradden
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom
11:15 am Family Communion at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton
4:00 pm Christingle at St Batholomew’s Greens Norton
4:00 pm Christingle at St Lawrence Towcester

Monday 9th December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Bible Study at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton

Tuesday 10th December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
10:00 am to 11:30 am Bible Study at Chantry House Towcester
2:20 pm Rocking Horse Nativity at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton
3:00 pm Service at Brook House
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm  Bible Study at Chantry House Towcester

Wednesday 11th December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
9:00 am  Tot’s Own at Greens Norton St Bartholomew’s
10:15 am Holy Communion at Towcester St Lawrence
3:30 pm Greens Norton Prayer Group St Bartholomew’s

Thursday 12th December
9:00am Morning Prayer Zoom
9:30 am Little Sprouts at Towcester Chantry House
11:00 am Funeral at Towcester St Lawrence
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Bell Ringing Practice at Greens Norton St Bartholomew’s

Friday 13th December
10:00 am Coffee Morning Chantry House
5:30 pm Our Voice’s Children’s Choir Chantry House
6:15 pm Choir Practice at Towcester St Lawrence
8:00 pm Bell Ringing Practice St Lawrence

Saturday 14th December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
10:30 am Coffee Morning at Greens Norton St Bartholomew’s

Christmas Tree decorating at St Lawrence Towcester

Sunday 15th December

The Third Sunday of Advent
9:15 am Family Communion at St Lawrence Towcester
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom
11:15 am Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton
6:00 pm Carols by Candlelight at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton

Monday 16th December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Bible Study at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton
3:00 pm Funeral at Towcester St Lawrence

Tuesday 17th December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
10:00 am to 11:30 am Bible Study at Chantry House Towcester
3:00 pm Service at The Lakes
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Bible Study at Towcester Chantry House

Wednesday 18th December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
9:30 am Towcester Primary School at St Lawrence Towcester
10:15 am Holy Communion at Towcester Chantry House
2:00 pm Sponne School Carol Service St Lawrence
3:30 pm Greens Norton Prayer Group St Bartholomew’s
7:00 pm  Carols at Moorfields Almshouses
7:30 pm  Towcester Studio Band Concert St Lawrence

Thursday 19th December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
9:30 am Greens Norton Primary School Christmas Service at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton
2:30 pm Marie Weller Christmas Service 
6:30 pm Churches Together Towcester Carols in the Square
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Bell Ringing Practice at Greens Norton St Bartholomew’s

Friday 20th December
10:00 am Coffee Morning Chantry House
5:30 pm Our Voice’s Children’s choir Chantry House
6:15 pm Choir Practice at Towcester St Lawrence
8:00 pm Bell Ringing Practice St Lawrence

Saturday 21st December
9:00 am Morning Prayer Zoom
10:30 am Coffee Morning at Greens Norton St Bartholomew’s
3:00 pm  Blue Christmas at St Lawrence Towcester

Sunday 22nd December

The Fourth Sunday of Advent
9:15 am Holy Communion at St Lawrence Towcester
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom 
11:15 am BCP Communion at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton
6:00 pm Lessons and Carols at St Lawrence Towcester
6:00 pm Lessons and Carols at St Augustin’s Caldecote

Monday 23rd December
9:00 am  Morning Prayer  Zoom
2:00 pm to 2:30 pm Bible study at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton
6:00 pm Carols at Bradden Gate Bradden

Tuesday 24th December

Christmas Eve
4:00 pm Crib Service St Lawrence Towcester
6:00 pm Lessons, Carols & Crib at St Michael's Bradden
6:00 pm Christmas Communion at St Mary's Easton Neston
10:00 pm Carols at the Butchers Arms Greens Norton
10:00 pm Carols at the Mill Towceste
11:00 pm Christmas Communion at St Lawrence Towcester
11:00 pm Christmas Communion at St Bartholomew’s Greens Norton

Wednesday 25th December

Christmas Day
10:00 am Christmas Communion at St Lawrence Towcester
10:00 am Christmas Communion at St Michael's Bradden
10:00 am Crib Service at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton
11:15 am Christmas Communion at St Augustine's Caldecote

Thursday 26th December 

Boxing Day

Friday 27th December

Saturday 28th December
10:00 am  Coffee Morning at Greens Norton  St Bartholomew’s
12:30 pm  Bell Ringing at Towcester  St Lawrence
3:00 pm  Service of Thanksgiving at Towcester  St Lawrence

Sunday 29th December

First Sunday of Christmas
9:15 am Benefice Service St Mary’s Easton Neston
10:15 am Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom

Monday 30th December

Tuesday 31st December
11:30 am Wedding at St Mary’s Easton Neston

Wednesday 1st January

New Year’s Day

Thursday 2nd January

Friday 3rd January
10:00 am  Coffee Morning at Towcester  Chantry House
8:00 pm  Bell Ringing Practice  St Lawrence

Saturday 4th January
9:00 am  Morning Prayer  Zoom
10:30 am  Coffee Morning  St Bartholomew’s
6:00 pm  Holy Communion at St Mary’s, Easton Neston

Sunday 5th January

January Epiphany
9:15 am  Family Communion at St Lawrence, Towcester
10:15 am  Benefice Sunday Worship via Zoom
11:15 pm   Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s, Greens Norton

If you wish to speak with Revd Paula the number is 01327 350459.
Please do share this post widely and let people not on Social Media know.

Tove Benefice Services

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